Prof. Chung-Hwan(Steve) Jeon, Pusan National University
June 2024
Professor Chung-Hwan(Steve) Jeon worked as the Vice- President of External Affairs for Research and (Inter)National Collaboration at Pusan National University.
He has established and supervises several major research organizations at the university. In the energy field where he focuses, PCERI(Pusan Clean Energy Research Institute) has been conducting world-leading research accelerating the development of carbon-free energy. He has served as the chairman of the ammonia co-fired demonstration planning committee of the government's energy transition policy, and is pursuing a project to convert power plants to green energy(ammonia) fuel starting this year. He has been appointed Director of the Korea(PNU)-Australia(UoN, University of Newcastle) Global Hub Center, designed for green energy(ammonia) production and utilization for international cooperation.
From 2019 to present, he has been working as the director of the ‘Industry-coupled PBL Consortium’ of the future talent training project linked to industry. This research group is a consortium of four national universities and selects topics proposed by local industries as capstone design tasks, and graduate student(team leader), undergraduate students, advisors, and industrial mentors collaborate.
In particular, in PNU ‘Glocal Project’, he is in charge of campus specialization, industry-academia cooperation, and globalization, and is currently striving to strategically promote global cooperation and exchange at the university level in research and education with Newcastle University in Australia
Professor Jeon has served as a technical advisor to a number of Korean energy companies and has contributed to many national key projects on combustion and gasification, IGCC, and major projects related to energy plants. As a result, Professor Jeon published more than 300 technical papers in the SCI journals and other domestic academic journals.
- Prof. CHUNG-HWAN(Steve) JEON
- Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
- POSCO Affiliated Professor (2014-present)
- THU(Tsinghua University) Distinguished Visiting Professor (2019-present)
- Vice-President for External Affairs , Pusan National University (2023-2024)
- Research Advisory Committee of KEEi (Korea Energy Economics Institute) (2024)
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University(PNU), Korea, 1985
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea, 1987
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea, 1994
- Research Fellow, PERC, Pennsylvania State University, US, 1995~1996
- Director, Kor.(PNU)-Aus.(UON*) Green Energy Global Hub Research Center (2022~2027)
- Director, PNU-KOSPO Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Research Center (2016-present)
- Director, International Center for Carbon Future with UON (2017-present)
- Director, Pusan Clean Energy Research Institute(PCERI) (2007-present)
- (* University of Newcastle, GICAN(Global Innovative Centre for Advanced Nanomaterial), Australia)
- Korea Electro-Technical Standards Commission, Committee (MOTIE, 2023~)
- Dean, School of Mechanical Engineering (2019-2022)
- National Assembly Environment Forum, Advisory Committee (2012-2020)
- National Energy Council, Energy Technology Division, Committee (2012-2014),
- Visiting Professor, Korean Institute of Energy Research(KIER) (2013)
- ASEAN CCT Conference by IEEJ, METI Japan, Korea Representative (2010-2014),
- Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials(KIMM), Researcher (1991-1992)
- Samsung Aerospace Engine Research Center, Senior Researcher (1996-1997)
- CFBC Technical PJT Collaboration (2017~2019) with Tsinghua University, China
- Combustion Optimization Project (2013~2014) with University of Utah, US
- In Furnace Desulfurization Project (2012~2013) with Idemitsu Kosan, Japan
- In Furnace Blending Strategy Project (2011~2012) with UNSW, Australia
- International Conf. CEAM(Clean Energy and Advanced Materials) Co-chair(2018,2019,2022)
전충환 교수
공과대학 기계공학부 교수
- 1. 학력사항
- 부산대학교 공과대학 기계공학과
- 부산대학교 대학원 공학석사 (기계공학전공)
- 부산대학교 대학원 공학박사 (기계공학전공)
- 미국 Pennsylvania State Univ. PERC(추진공학연구소), Research Fellow
- 2. 경력사항
- 한국기계연구원(창원본소) 동력공학연구실 연구원
- ㈜삼성항공 엔진연구소(대전본원) 선임연구원
- 대통령직속 국가에너지위원회 위원 (기반조성분야)
- 과학기술정책연구원(KISTEP) 미래기술예측 전문위원
- 부산광역시 지역특화 전략산업 기획위원
- 지역연구중심대학 기획위원 (단장 포스텍 김무환총장)
- 부산대학교 산학협력단 부단장
- 부산대학교 신․재생에너지 실용화기술개발 센터장
- 부산대학교 공과대학 교원성과평가위원
- 부산대학교 대학혁신 미래선도 첨단기계기반 융합인재양성사업단장
- 부산대학교 기계공학부 학부장(2019-2022, 4년) 역임
- 부산대학교 대외협력부총장(2023-2024) 역임
- 3. 현재 활동사항
- (현)부산대학교 기계공학부 교수/ 청정화력발전에너지연구소장
- (현)에너지경제연구원(KEEI)연구자문위원
- (현)부산대학교-한국남부발전(PNU-KOSPO) 유동층발전기술지원센터장
- (현)과기정통부 현장연계 미래선도 인재양성사업(동서융합실전문제연구단) 단장
- (현)연구재단 부산대-뉴캐슬대 그린에너지 글로벌허브(G-Hub) 센터장
- (현)부산대학교 통일한국연구원 통일산업자원연구센터장
- (현)㈜포스코 전문(석좌) 교수
- (현)중국 칭화대(THU) 해외석좌교수
- (현)국회환경포럼 에너지분과 위원 (그린환경대상 수상, 2011년)
- (현)산업부(한국에너지기술평가원) 청정에너지(무탄소 발전) 기획위원장
- (현)한국전기기술기준위원회 위원
- 1) 특이사항 : 독립유공자 전병철(경남밀양) 애국지사 유족대표